
Cytotoxic CD4+ T cells in the bone marrow compromise healthy ageing by enhancing granulopoiesis

Gabandé-Rodríguez E, Soto-Heredero G, Carrasco E, Anerillas C, Escrig-Larena JI, Delgado-Pulido S, Francos-Quijorna I, Gómez de Las Heras MM, Fernández-Almeida A, Blanco EM, Winand-Osete E, Zorita V, Martínez-Cano J, Garrido A, de Cabo R, Mañes S, Gorospe M, Mittelbrunn M.

DOI: 10.1101/2024.01.26.577360

Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocytes in the blood, with numbers further increasing with age. Despite their essential role as a primary line of defense, neutrophils can contribute to tissue damage and age-related diseases 1 and a high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts all causes of mortality in the elderly 2–5. However, the precise mechanisms driving enhanced […]

Old T cells pollute with mito-litter

Gómez de Las Heras MM, Mittelbrunn M.

Nat Aging. 2023 May;

DOI: 10.1038/s43587-023-00412-2.
PMID: 37198439

The mysteries behind immune aging and its related inflammation are being unmasked. Jin et al. reveal that the defective turnover of damaged mitochondria in CD4+ T cells from older individuals results in the exacerbated secretion of mitochondrial DNA, which fuels inflammaging and impairs immune responses.

Mitochondria during T cell aging

Escrig-Larena JI, Delgado-Pulido S, Mittelbrunn M.

Semin Immunol. 2023 Sep;

DOI: 10.1016/j.smim.2023.101808
PMID: 37473558

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of aging that contributes to inflammaging. It is characterized by alterations of the mitochondrial DNA, reduced respiratory capacity, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and increased reactive oxygen species production. These primary alterations disrupt other interconnected and important mitochondrial-related processes such as metabolism, mitochondrial dynamics and biogenesis, mitophagy, calcium homeostasis or apoptosis. […]