
Fostering Global Scientific Awareness and Collaboration

Ensuring the widespread dissemination and internalization of scientific knowledge is essential for building a more informed, equitable, and sustainable society.


New York, US

Invited Speaker at 2nd Annual “T Cells in the Brain” Symposium

Keystone, US

Invited Speaker Keystone Symposia: “Immunometabolism in Tissue Homeostasis and Diseases”

California, US

Speaker at Mitochondria in Health and Disease Gordon Research Conference

Rome, Italy

Invited Speaker at the 10th International Cell Senescence Association Conference

Suzhou, China

Invited Speaker at the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Mitochondria and Metabolism in Health and Disease


Leuven, Belgium

Invited Seminar at VIB-KU Center for Cancer Biology


Invited Speaker EACR Conference “Cancer and Ageing”

Beijing, China

Invited Speaker Nature Conference “Mitochondria and Immunity”

Sitges, Spain

Invited Speaker Cell Symposia: “Multifaceted Mitochondria”

Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg

30th European Cell Death Organization Conference Cell Death at the Crossroads of Neurodegeneration and Cancer

Malaga, Spain

Invited Speaker Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología

Maine, US

Gordon Research Conference, “Immune System: Molecular and Cellular Pathways in Organismal Health and Disease”

Boston, US

Invited Talk at Annual Harvard/Paul F. Glenn Symposium on Aging

San Francisco, US

Invited Speaker FOCIS Annual Meeting

Siena, Italy

Invited Speaker Lymphocyte Antigen Receptor

Graz, Austria

Flagship Lecture BioTechMed-Graz Faculty Club


Invited Lecture, Day of Immunology 2024 organize by International Union of Immunological Societies and The European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS)

Boston, US

Invited Lecture, Inaugural Annual Workshop from the Aging Program of Gene Lay Institute of Immunology and Inflammation, Harvard Medical School

Valencia, Spain

Invited Lecture, Institute Principe Felipe

Barcelona, Spain

Invited Lecture Josep Carreras Lecture

Seefeld, Austria

Invited Speaker Midwinter Conference Advances In Immunobiology

Barcelona, Spain

Josep Carreras Invited Lectures

Bellinzona, Switzerland

Invited Lecture for PhD program in Immunobiology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, IRB

Graz, Austria

Flagship Lecture at our BioTechMed-Graz Faculty Club

Nice, France

Co-organizer at EMBO Meeting Developmental Circuits of Aging


Castelldefels, Spain

Invited Speaker Gordon Conference, Biology of Aging

Banff, Canada

Invited Speaker Keystone Symposia on Neuroimmune Interactions: From Basic Mechanisms to Novel Therapeutic Directions

Aveiro, Portugal

Invited Speaker Annual Meeting Societate Portuguesa de Immunologia

Santander, Spain

Invited Lecture, Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla, Idival

Padua, Italy

Invited Lecture, Padua University

Marsella, France

Invited Lecture 6th Course on Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy

Hornbæk, Denmark

Invited Lecture Spring School Skin Homeostasis and Inflammation

Bologna, Italy

Invited Speaker at Euromit

Groningen, Netherlands

Molecular Medicine Invited Lecture at UMCG Seminar Series  University of Groningen

Rockville, US

NIH WORKSHOP Advances in Aging, Immunity and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

Cologne, Germany

Invited Speaker Cologne Spring Meeting, Cell Death and Mitochondrial Signaling in Health and Disease


Saint-Malo, France

Invited Speaker at EMBO Meeting Pathogen immunity and signaling

Glasgow, UK

Invited Talk Precision Medicine & Chronic Diseases, University of Glasgow

Cordoba, Spain

Keynote Speaker, Young Research Symposium, Inst Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba

Madrid, Spain

Keynote Speaker Conference Spanish Society Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials

Frankfurt, Germany

Invited Talk Cardiopulmonary Institute Goethe University Frankfurt

A Coruña, Spain

Invited Speaker “Aging & Metabolism”

Innsbruck,  Austria

Invited Talk, Research Institute for Biomedical Aging

Malaga, Spain

Invited Speaker EMBO Workshop “Energy balance in metabolic disorders

Budva, Montenegro

Invited Speaker EMBO/FEBS Course “Mitochondria in life, death and disease”

Mutters, Austria

Invited Speaker FEBS Workshop “Ageing and Regeneration”

Madrid, Spain

Keynote Speaker Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials



Barcelona, Spain

Invited Speaker Gordon Research Conference Biology of Aging

Birmingham, UK

Keynote Speaker 1st Birmingham Inflammation, Repair and Ageing Conference

Cambridge, UK

Invited Talk Cambridge Immunology Network,Cambridge University

Oxford, UK

Invited Talk The Kennedy Strategy Session : Inflamm-ageing. Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology

Solna, Sweden

Invited Seminar Molecular metabolism, Karolinska Institutet

Lisbon, Portugal

Invited Speaker Joint Meeting Mitochondria & Aging

Saint-Malo, France

Invited Speaker Pathogen Immunity and Signalling

Belgrade, Serbia

Invited Speaker 6th European Congress of Immunology

Barcelona, Spain

Invited Speaker The Immune System: in sickness and in health, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute

Belgrade, Serbia

Invited Speaker Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies FOCIS

Madrid, Spain

Invited Speaker Spanish Society of Cellular Biology

Edinburg, UK

Invited Talk Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburg

Madrid,  Spain

Invited Speaker Spanish Society Longevity Medicine  SEMAL

Suzhou,   China

Invited Speaker Mitochondria and Metabolism in Health and Disease, Cold Spring Harbor Asia

Rozzano,   Italy

Invited Talk Humanitas Seminar Series

London, UK

Invited Talk The William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London

Cardiff, UK

Invited Talk Cardiff School of Medicine